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Dear Lord,
In our lives
we wait for many things,
good and bad;
we wait for
vacations to come
and medical appointments;
we wait for
concerts and exams;
we look forward
and we look back,
but perhaps the thing
we have the most difficulty with
is living in the present,
of making the most
of where we are
and who we are with.
We are in the season of Advent,
and as we await the celebration
of Your son's birth
we may lose sight
of the joy that there can be
in preparations;
seeing decorations blossom
and music come to life
can remind us that Jesus arrived
and made the world more beautiful,
and that the anticipation
can be as wonderful as the event.
Help us, Lord, we pray,
to wait with joy,
to prepare with love,
and to revel in your warmth always.

Image: dan /